math sung
Math song
This is a household song back home, it was a very popular children tv show.
Mate, mate, mathematics
It is a science, mathematics,
It is a real science, mathematics
It teaches to think, to count, to measure,
to multiply and increase, to divide and decrease,
subtract and add
To know and to write it down, what is larger what is more,
to see easily what is smaller, what is equal,
what is left, what is right,
what is under, what is over,
what is in between, what is the middle, what a cube what a sphere
That is all real knowledge
that is a real science
Mate, mate, matema, matematika
To je jedna nauka, matematika
To je prava nauka, matematika
Tu se uci da se misli, da se broji, da se meri,
da se mnozi, uvecava, da se deli i smanjuje
oduzima, i dodaje
da se znade, da se pise sta je vece sta je vise
da se pozna vrlo lako sta je manje sta jednako
sta je levo sta je desno
sta je ispod sta je iznad
sta izmedju, sta sredina, sta kocka, sta oblina
sve je ovo pravo znanje, to je prava nauka,
matema, matema, matematika
===Comment from Claudia:
Well, that was cute!! The tune is catchy - even though I don't understand the language. I think that it would fun for kids to learn in the original language as well as learning the translation in whatever their native language is.
Thank you for sharing.
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