Women at work

I have a PhD in electrical engineering and have been teaching and doing programming and IT for ... too many years. (specializing in networks and security) I am not going to disclose my age! I am one of very few women of my age who STAYED in the field, since it is super competitive macho field. But here I am! I use my engineering skills for everything I do. In this blog, I will share anything from technical to social comments on technology.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Why women bail out of engineering

I need to figure out WHAT TO DO. I could be just another burned out woman in engineering. There are NO women of my age still in technology. Everyone bails out...

Hm at this point... I need job recommendations.
It is overwhelming because I am not sure what I am doing!!!! I spent a whole day today and $150 to get recertified in computer security, thinking that it could be useful bc I could find work doing that. BUT it's not my goal and I might be just wasting money and time.

In any case, this exercise was useful because I went through all my teaching materials that I made - I WROTE A LOT OF STUFF!!!! and it's very good
I am an expert in computer networks.
I am an expert in writing. I LOVE to write.
So... that's a way to make some dollars somewhere...

The best thing would be to do some writing and teaching 1/2 time and then massage 1/2 time. I was happiest doing that. Then I can show up in the classroom and not be bothered if kids are not wanting to learn. Life is too beautiful! And I don't care if my massage clients are sniveling and not doing their hwk. Life is too beautiful!!!!
Well in the recent years I became too cold to be a massage therapist. I used to be soooo pampering bc I WAS a massage therapist and then I went to teach college and GOT EATEN ALIVE. when you teach college, STUDENTS EAT YOU ALIVE bc they ABUSE anything kind and giving. But then your massage clients get ticket off that you are too distant and authoritative.

I love having fun, pampering people, and teaching them, and that just doesn't go in academia.

I do well only in environments where I am the boss and I don't have to defend myself against some manipulative weasels trying to get their way; environments where peeps cooperate.
I need to strike a balance on all levels. 1/2 teaching/writing/technical, 1/2 massage, and everyone happy.
Let's see how I can make THAT happen...


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