This is a very rough time in my life (again!!! hawaii seems to be about bare survival) and yet it is very useful, after making my web page today suddenly I am a lot more clear about what I want to do. I really need to be doing writing ... and massage/healing... and research... That's what I really really love and am so good at it. people don't understand paradox, and I DO. I am perfectly fine with paradox. I did the math: college teaching is 25$ per hour for easy classes that I taught already and don't have much to grade. It's a lot of work to drive 2 hrs to town and spend 8 hrs to deal with screaming kids, then prep and grade at home. Massage pays 100$ per hour, it is right here around my home, and I work with nice cooperative peeps who KISS MY ASS AND ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL bc I helped to save them out of pain. So - clear choice, isn't it?
Also, looking back into all my metaphysical studies: I have been learning and growing so much and then since I came to Hawaii... and esp since 2007 when my life collapsed ... I seem to have gone backwards. Lack of people.....
But it's never too late, I can start going forwards RIGHT NOW. Obviously, what I love the most is indeed to learn and grow and write about arts and healing, and that's what I do need to do. For your own sake - you are not hearing me snivel, are you.
As for work: I need to find work. I put some affiliate links for my spiritual books but that is not going to generate huge earnings. I need some better links. Perhaps the unethical network marketing stuff. There are some foofoo dust products, like "slim away" and then there are legit products, like water filter or nano silver.
So help me out, give me feedback on my website, and SHARE IT. Spread the word.
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