Women at work

I have a PhD in electrical engineering and have been teaching and doing programming and IT for ... too many years. (specializing in networks and security) I am not going to disclose my age! I am one of very few women of my age who STAYED in the field, since it is super competitive macho field. But here I am! I use my engineering skills for everything I do. In this blog, I will share anything from technical to social comments on technology.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sample of my portfolio

Some samples of my work in teaching computer science using my own materials, trying to create a hands-on, creative, fun,  innovative, "deep learning" curriculum

Scratch video game coding projects 

PPT for college freshman  describing what digital is 

PPT for high school students teaching them about computers

 PPT for middle and high school students to expose them to computer-related careers